Source code for imagepypelines.core.DashboardComm

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# Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 Jeff Maggio, Jai Mehra, Ryan Hartzell
from .util import TCPClient
from ..Logger import get_master_logger
from .Exceptions import DashboardWarning

import logging
import json

[docs]def connect_to_dash(name, host, port): """Connects every pipeline in this session to """ if n_dashboards() == 0: # if this is our first dashboard # add a logging handler to support log messages # initialize_dash_logging() pass DashboardComm.connect(name, host, port)
[docs]def n_dashboards(): """returns the number of connected dashboards""" return len(DashboardComm.clients)
# TODO: update the logging handler to send logging messages to the dashboard class DashboardLoggingHandler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.dashcomm = DashboardComm() def emit(self, record): self.dashcomm.write_log( record.getMessage() ) def initialize_dash_logging(): handler = DashboardLoggingHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( json.dumps( { 'type':'log', 'id': '%(pipeline_id)s', # {name}.{last 6 chars of uuid} 'uuid': '%(pipeline_uuid)s', # universal unique id for obj 'name': '%(pipeline_name)s', # obj name 'source_type':'logger', 'payload':{ 'level':'%(levelname)8s', # INFO, WARNING, ERROR, etc 'time':'%(asctime)s', # datetime as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, msecs’ 'logger_name':'%(name)s', # name of the logger, often identical to 'id' 'message':'%(message)s', # Logging message } } )) handler.setFormatter(formatter) get_master_logger().logger.addHandler(handler) ################################################################################ # TODO: This dashboard system currently relies on the connect_to_dash() being called # before the Pipeline has been instanitated. This needs to be corrected # TODO: add method to disconnect from a specific dashboard # TODO: better docstring
[docs]class DashboardComm(object): """Object to send messages from the pipelines to dashboard(s) """ clients = {} """list of :obj:`TCPClient`: class level variable containing a list of all TCPclients that are connected""" graphs_msg_cache = {} """cache of pipeline update messages, these are messages that the dashboard needs to interpret the pipeline status messages""" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def connect(cls, name, host, port): """establishes a connection with the Dashboard Chatroom at the given host and port Args: name(str): human readable name of host(str): ip address for the dashboard port(int): port on host for the dashboard """ raise_warning = False try: new_client = TCPClient().connect(host, port) cls.clients[name] = new_client # send the pipeline graph messages to new clients so they can interpret new # status and reset messages # (@Jai, will these work being send one after another like this????) for rep in cls.graphs_msg_cache.values(): new_client.write(rep) except ConnectionRefusedError: msg = f"unable to connect to Dashboard at {host}:{port}" get_master_logger().error(msg) raise_warning = True
# if raise_warning: # raise DashboardWarning(msg) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def disconnect_all(cls): """disconnects from all dashboard servers""" for cli in cls.clients.values(): cli.disconnect() cls.clients.empty()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def disconnect(cls, name): """disconnects from an individual dashboard server""" cls.clients[name].disconnect() cls.clients.pop(name)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def total(self): """returns total number of connected dashboards""" return len(self.clients) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write(self, msg, names=None): """sends the given message to all connected dashboard servers Args: msg(str): a string to send names(tuple(str)): iterable of names specifying a whitelist """ if names is None: names = self.clients.keys() for name in names: self.clients[name].write(msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read(self, names=None): """send delete messages to all dashboard servers""" if names is None: names = self.clients.keys() for name in names: try: msg = self.clients[name].read() except BlockingIOError: # Case for no data ready msg = None return msg
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_graph(self, pipeline_id, graph_msg): """send pipeline graph or task changes to the Dashboard""" # # DEBUG ONLY # with open("graph.json",'w') as f: # f.write(graph_msg) # # END DEBUG # update internal variable tracking pipeline graph messages self.graphs_msg_cache[pipeline_id] = graph_msg # send messages to all servers self.write(graph_msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_status(self, status_msg): """send status changes to all Dashboards""" # # DEBUG ONLY # with open("status.json",'w') as f: # f.write(status_msg) # # END DEBUG self.write(status_msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_reset(self, reset_msg): """send reset messages to all dashboard servers""" # # DEBUG ONLY # with open("reset.json",'w') as f: # f.write(reset_msg) # # END DEBUG self.write(reset_msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_error(self, error_msg): """send error messages to all dashboard servers""" # # DEBUG ONLY # with open("error.json",'w') as f: # f.write(error_msg) # # END DEBUG self.write(error_msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_delete(self, delete_msg): """send delete messages to all dashboard servers""" # # DEBUG ONLY # with open("delete.json",'w') as f: # f.write(delete_msg) # # END DEBUG self.write(delete_msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_log(self, log_msg): self.write(log_msg)
# IN THE FUTURE # def read()