Source code for imagepypelines_image.Resize

from .util import dtype_type_check,\
from .imports import import_opencv
from .blocks import ImageBlock

cv2 = import_opencv()
import numpy as np
import imagepypelines as ip

[docs]class Resize(ImageBlock): """splits images into separate component channels Attributes: w_scale_type(str): type of scaling used for image width, either "proportional" or "absolute" h_scale_type(str): type of scaling used for image height, either "proportional" or "absolute" h_param(int,float): vertical scale or absolute height to resize image to w_param(int,float): horizontal scale or absolute height to resize image to interp(str): interpolation type for resizing. One of 'nearest', 'linear', 'area', 'cubic', 'lanczos4' Default Enforcement: 1) image type: np.ndarray shapes: [(None,None,None),(None,None)] notes: image must be ordered [height,width,channels] Batch Size: "each" """ def __init__(self, h=None, w=None, scale_h=None, scale_w=None, interp='nearest'): """Instantiates the object Args: w(None,int): width to scale image to, must be None is scale_w is defined h(None,int): height to scale image to, must be None is scale_h is defined scale_h(None,float): vertical scale for the image, must be None if 'h' is defined scale_w(None,float): horizontal scale for the image, must be None if 'w' is defined interp(str): interpolation type for image scaling, must be one of: 'nearest', 'linear', 'area', 'cubic', 'lanczos4' """ super().__init__(order="HWC") # make sure either h or scale_h is defined if (h is None) and (scale_h is None): raise ValueError("'h' or 'scale_h' must be defined") # make sure either w or scale_w is defined if (w is None) and (scale_w is None): raise ValueError("'w' or 'scale_w' must be defined") # make sure only h or scale_h is defined if (not h is None) and (not scale_h is None): raise ValueError("only 'h' or 'scale_h' can be defined") # make sure only w or scale_w is defined if (not w is None) and (not scale_w is None): raise ValueError("only 'w' or 'scale_w' can be defined") # set w instance variables if w is None: self.w_scale_type = 'proportional' self.w_param = scale_w else: self.w_scale_type = 'absolute' self.w_param = w # set h instance variables if h is None: self.h_scale_type = 'proportional' self.h_param = scale_h else: self.h_scale_type = 'absolute' self.h_param = h self.__cv2_interp = get_cv2_interp_type(interp) self.interp = interp self.enforce('image', np.ndarray, [(None,None,None),(None,None)])
[docs] def process(self, image): """Resizes the image to the specified dimensions Args: image(np.ndarray): image to resize, must be shaped [height,width,channels] Returns: np.ndarray: resized image """ # get h dimension if self.h_scale_type == "proportional": new_h = round(self.h_param * image.shape[0], 0) else: new_h = self.h_param # get w dimension if self.w_scale_type == "proportional": new_w = round(self.w_param * image.shape[1], 0) else: new_w = self.w_param return cv2.rezize(image, (new_w,new_h), interpolation=self.__cv2_interp)