.. post:: 28 Oct, 2020 :tags: science, imagepypelines, portability :category: Motivation :author: Jeff :excerpt: 2 :image: 1 A Beginners Guide to Pipelines ============================== What is a Pipeline??? In short, its everything that happens from your raw data to your results. All scripts and algorithms can be represented as a pipeline. If your background is computer science, you may have heard this concept referred to as a "graph". ImagePypelines at it's core is just a library to construct pipelines. Let's teach by example. y = mx + b ---------- Let's say we need to make a function to apply a linear transform. Good old `y=mx+b` .. code-block:: python import imagepypelines as ip # let's build a linear function @ip.blockify() def y(m,x,b): return m*x + b tasks = { # inputs 'm' : ip.Input(0), 'x' : ip.Input(1), 'b' : ip.Input(2), # linear transformer 'y' : (y, 'm','x','b'), } pipeline = ip.Pipeline(tasks)