Number and View Images

Number and view a sequence of images

# make sure we have the image plugin
import imagepypelines as ip

define our tasks

tasks = {
        # set an entry point for images into the pipeline
        'images': ip.Input(),
        # add number to the bottom right corner
        'numbered': (ip.image.NumberImage(), 'images'),
        # View the numbered images in sequence
        'null' : (ip.image.QuickView(pause_for=500), 'numbered')

viewer = ip.Pipeline(tasks)

let’s process some data!

# let's grab some example data from the ImagePypelines standard set
images = [ip.image.panda(), ip.image.gecko(), ip.image.redhat()]
# Number and view the images!
processed = viewer.process(images)
image viewing

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.882 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery