Syntax Intro

How to leverage the syntax of ImagePypelines effectively!

Let’s try blockifying vs using a FuncBlock vs using a Block subclass

# NOTE: can't blockify built-ins or c-functions *directly* (they don't have a signature!!!)

import imagepypelines as ip

def print_msg(msg):

print_msg1 = ip.FuncBlock(print_msg, void=True)

def print_msg2(msg):

class PrintMsg(ip.Block):
    def __init__(self, **block_kwargs):
        super().__init__(name="PrintMsg", **block_kwargs)
    def process(self, msg):

print_msg3 = PrintMsg()

print_msg("Blah blah")
print_msg1("Blah1 blah1!")
print_msg2("Blah2 blah2!!")
print_msg3.process("Blah3 blah3!!!")
print_msg3("Blah4 blah4!!!!")


Blah blah
Blah1 blah1!
Blah2 blah2!!
Blah3 blah3!!!
Blah4 blah4!!!!
tasks = {‘msg’:ip.Input(),

‘null’:(print_msg, ‘msg’)}

msg_printer = ip.Pipeline(tasks)

processed = msg_printer.process([“Hello World!”])

We can pass in any data we want! In this example, we call this function once for every datum passed in processed = msg_printer.process([‘we’,’can’,’print’,’anything’,’individually!’])

We can also print everything at once with the batch_type variable

@ip.blockify(batch_type=”all”, void=True) def print_all(msg):


tasks = {‘msg’:ip.Input(),

‘null’:(print_all, ‘msg’)}

print_all_pipeline = ip.Pipeline(tasks)

processed = print_all_pipeline.process([‘we’,’can’,’print’,’everything’,’at’,’once!’])

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.002 seconds)

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